Big Bass Habits
There are a lot of similarities between the human aging process and the big bass habits; both have aged and become stuck in their ways and repeat many of the daily habits as the aging process continues! They are in many ways just like us as we age as they become comfortable in many of their habits; there is one exception as they like to roam when they’re ready to feed and like the low light time of day to feed. Very much like the old timers that like to hang out at coffee shops early in the morning and don’t like to be out in the heat of the middle of the day.
Aging in us all has many common traits between us, we like safety as we age, well so do the large older female bass. Kind of like gated communities their safe and offer protection from the bad guys. Big bass live in the safest most protected areas; you must look many times for the heaviest protected areas, like thick grass or several boat houses along one bank or area. Stump rows where there is shell bottom off the beaten path against deep banks that offer quick access to deep water in the heat of the summer or during the spawn.

Big bass don’t feed at fast food restaurants, they like to go right for the big steak houses where they can get an oversized meal easily and quickly so it’s not a lot of work on their body. Their choices are easy prey, like wounded big shad that have little life or ability to move quickly. Size matters to the bigger bass, the bigger the meal the more they target that prey; you see it’s easier to feed once on a big meal than feed many times on small ones hence they target bigger food source. If you can study your lake and figure out what the bigger bass are targeting as a food source, you will be one step closer to landing a lunker bass as you mimic their food source with your bats. Mimic also means to mimic their food source movement and locate in the same habitat; know your lake and you will catch bigger fish!
Fish Lake Guntersville Guide Service
Email: bassguide@comcast.net
Call: 256 759 2270
Capt. Mike Gerry