How to Locate Bream Beds
With the month of May here and the bass looking to feed up after they have spawned the bass move into the bream beds and target the bedding bream for food. It’s a known fact that bass target the bedding bream, and your job is to locate the beds and have a blast catching fish.

The first thing you have to do to locate these spawning areas is gain some knowledge, you must understand there behavior and the habitat they prefer in order to find the bream beds. The first thing to note to find these areas is the water temperature, 70 to 75 degrees is the key to their bedding. Once you are in the correct water temperature the next thing is to get to the shallow areas of 1 to 4 ft. of water. Bream generally targets areas where the bottom is visible, and the sunlight exposes there beds. Hard bottom areas like shells, gravel and even beds already fanned out from the bass spawn become there nesting areas. Bream also like their bedding areas to be protected from the weather so areas like coves, back water, boat houses, and even quiet shoreline areas become their ideal bedding locations. Look for the obvious signs of bedding fish, like circular fanned out depressions that look like craters of cleaned bottom areas; bream like clear water to bed in so areas where the lake seems to always be clear against shorelines like inside of grass lines make the best bedding areas. A must to have to find the bream beds are Costa 580 polarized sunglasses as they will reduce the glare and allow you to clearly see the beds.
Electronics is also a way to find the bream beds using side imaging to scan the bottom of the flats will allow you to see the beds as they will appear as clusters of small round craters on your electronics. Extend your range on your side imaging out to 100 plus ft. so you can cover the flats quickly and efficiently with the side scan. Once you see some areas like this just test the area with your polarized sunglasses to verify and then have fun catching bass.
Fish Lake Guntersville Guide Service
Email: bassguide@comcast.net
Call: 256 759 2270
Capt. Mike Gerry