Daily Rates
We have 4, and 6 and 8 hr. trips fishing trips we will also fish up to 8 hrs on any trip if we are free to do so, if you want to extend the day the hourly rate is $100 per hour for all trips over 6 hrs. If you want to pay in full or pay a deposit, tab to the bottom to pay via Pay Pal pay your deposit scroll to the bottom of this page!
Want to fish 3 people?
We add a third person to the boat for a $100 charge. WE do however recommend only 2 people as it’s safer and easier to get around the boat.
Want to tag-along?
Tag-a-long boat charge $200. Tag-a-longs are permitted if the people in the boat with the guide are with the people in the tag boat
No One will treat you better or work harder to see you have a great day fishing.
Bass Fishing & crappie Guides rates good for up to 2 people
8 Hr. Fishing Day – $650
Generally, we are off the water early in the day as we start at daylight.
Pay Deposit
Pay Full Amount
6 Hr. Fishing Day – $500
Generally, we are off the water by noon to 1 pm.
Pay Deposit
Pay Full Amount
4 Hr. Fishing Day – $350
All fisherman are required to have a valid Alabama Fishing License if over 15 years of age. It is typical to tip the guide!
Pay Deposit
Pay Full Amount
Gift Cards for Special Occasions
We sell gift cards for the holidays or special occasions. Gift card are bought only over the phone call me to purchase at 256-759-2270.
- Prices do not include tip for guide however it is customary to tip the guide
- Gift cards are good for 1 year from purchase date, and are non-refundable if not used over the one year term
- Gift certificates can be purchased for 4, 6 or 8 hrs call today to purchase
- The Ideal Christmas Gift for your Avid Fisherman