The Effect of Current

Current and Bass Locations If there is one thing you can count on turning on the fish, it is the effect of current, where they locate is very predictable. Bass do predictable things when TVA is pulling water, and if you have good electronics and some reasonable knowledge of the bottom structure you can easily… Read more »

High Water Challenges

High Water Challenges Winter in the south is full of challenges but nothing is as noteworthy as the fact that we get lots of rain and hence high muddy water as it becomes the norm during the winter months in the south. The one thing we can count on during the winter and early spring… Read more »

What to Expect in December

December Fishing Expectations The question on Guntersville in December every year is what can you expect? If you look at history on Guntersville in December past says there will be more change and transition than any other time of year. Fronts will come and go quickly, temperature change will be extreme, but the fish will… Read more »

Transition To Winter

Moving to the Winter The one thing you can count on in the winter is the water temperature being the driving force behind the location of the bass during the cold months. As we see the water temperatures start to drop below 60’s we will see movement of the bass toward their winter locations. As… Read more »

Learning from a Guide Trip

A Day of Fishing Over the many years of guiding on Lake Guntersville, I have found that people using guides really want to learn something about fishing besides catching fish and having fun; it is my objective every day to accomplish as much of their needs as possible. With today’s busy lakes and fish being… Read more »